Important Facts to Know About Leadlight Door Restoration

Leadlight doors are a beautiful accent to any home. You can opt for newly designed glass or find an antique to fall in love with. No matter your choice you will want to keep them looking new. Over time, they will get dingy, and some will get broken. This is the best time to call a professional for a leadlight door restoration. Here are some important facts to know about leadlight door restoration.

Professionals Are Key 

Leadlight door restoration is a job better suited for a professional. Because the professionals know the materials and the requirements, they can make easy work of a painstaking job. Leadlight doors are a complicated mixture of lead, putty and glass. The restoration process will require care and expertise to avoid further damage. If the pieces are not cleaned and repaired properly it can cause loose pieces and water damage. These are only a couple of the problems faced if leadlight door restoration is not done properly. For this reason, professionals are always recommended for leadlight door restoration.

Glass Type Matters

One of the many problems faced with leadlight door restoration is broken glass. This problem is multifaceted. Not only will you have to match the shape of the broken piece you will also need to match the colour and texture. Finding the right glass for your leadlight doors will make the difference in the final result. You want a glass that is from the same time period, or that can be matched exactly to the existing glass.

Failure to match precisely will result in a difference in shading, texture and end design. While this may not seem important, it can change the whole look of your leadlight doors. This is why many professionals use glass remnants from same time periods for leadlight door restoration to make sure the colour, techniques and design are the same.

When to Restore

This last step is crucial to the success of leadlight door restoration. You want to make sure you hire a professional at the first signs of damage to your leadlight doors. Whether it be loose soldering and putty or chipped and discoloured glass. Early detection and prevention are vital when working with leadlight doors. Routinely check to make sure your panels are secure, do not make any rattling sounds and that they are watertight. Any of these issues signify it is time for a leadlight door restoration.

Leadlight doors are a beautiful feature for your home. Making sure your leadlight door restoration is done right is pivotal to maintaining this beauty. Remembering these three facts about leadlight door restoration will keep your design looking its best and give you years of beauty to enjoy.
